Generally, BI projects start with a very high-level assumption that there will be a complete organizational transformation. But at the end of the project, results would be just a few of the good-looking dashboards and summary draws from the same. Inline to start the new dashboard or report should start by asking below question: –

  • Are numbers giving any indication, like good or bad news?
  • Can Visuals show growth /row data /difference between categorical items?
  • Can visuals find the root cause or slice and dice data at least at a granular level?

To view answers on your dashboard, choosing the right structural approach and type of visual is important.

“Read the blog to understand the Emergys approach towards BI reporting and analytics.” To start the project, there is always one challenge in the market for customers, and IT called how to set the project’s path or open the Power of visualizations. The issue comes from both ends.

Generally, customers (end users) fail to adapt to this new way of BI because, in their daily routine, they are using traditional reporting like exported data or created own reports or emails from peers etc., where IT fails in starting phase of the project to sync up with end users and hence project loos the path. To balance the project from both endpoints, need to have an execution method, as mentioned in the below diagram.

1. Domain Theme:

Earlier, understanding the domain area was unnecessary because all industries used traditional BI, where the developer created and delivered the requested report. Where currently, BI ways have been changed, and for the same understating the domain is as important as understanding the requirement.
A suitable compound in the Team (Developer/consultant/ business analyst) is essential to get this done. Before starting modelling or understanding data, the Team should get an overview of the domain. So, BI can add valuable insight into the report.

2. Data Prep and Modeling:

The business database for the new BI project is Puzzled. As mentioned above, we need a team with all the combinations where our data tech expertise can understand this puzzle and provide a good data model. Where data model is always good to have relational or analytical dimensional modelling. It helps to increase intuitiveness, offers high performance, and is easy to maintain. Also, resolve the complexity within the tables like cardinality (One to One, One to Many, Many to One, Many to Many) and data flow filters.

3. Customer Approach:

Customer approach provides a very border view of what customers are looking for and where they want to start. While starting the project customer always decides the scope of the project. Generally, a BI project starts with a single area of industry or one department. As Team understands the customer domain, it’s easy to relate with data and end-user requirements. Forex. Customers want to start with the Sales department, then showing variance analysis like good news-bad new YTD, YOY, MTD growth region bases analysis, demographic analysis, etc. is always good.

4. Wow Factor:

Creating visuals in any BI tool is easy, but showing real data insight is not easy. Where bringing the wow factor is more important in the dashboard or report. Because other simple visuals fail to create an impression with end-users, and they may lose interest in the report. A glimpse of a report’s wow factors is always helpful, and customers have a very actionable report. Creating the Wow factor can use visuals like Key influencers, De-composing trees, smart narratives, forecasting trends, scatter plots with reference lines, categories pages with product base, region base, demography base, domain base, etc.

5. Storyline-based approach:

Storyline-based approach is like an Olympiad exam for students because connecting all dots and making a story from visuals is important. It will bring the business flow in the report and make an actionable item with the effective performance of resources. Also, creating a story from data will make an impression on customers. This approach will take the report to the edge of business.


Creating a report and dashboard is always easy, and several reporting tools are available in the market. But the main thing is that bringing great insight with a good approach towards the new BI way is important. And This approach will get all the into one and will open the Power of visualization.

~ Dattaroa Dalvi
Sr. Consultant

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