Emergys Solutions open house was held on September 21, 2017. This bi-monthly event was a special one, as many new team members attended it for the first time. Here is the overview of our open house for you all.
We usually have our open house on the Emergys Solutions office premises. But this time, we thought to host it at an outside venue. The reason is that when the team moves out of the work environment once in a while, it enables casual interaction and refreshes everyone simultaneously. Also, what could be a better way to know and interact with new team members.
What did we do at Emergys Solutions Open House?
So, you might be curious about what we do during the Open house. Our Open House events are focused on one important activity,’ Sharing’! We share important announcements, updates, and news. It is also a great way to catch up with client site teammates. And this open house was no different.
It started with Kuldeep sharing important updates on team growth and introduction to new Emergys. Currently, 40 % of the Emergys Solutions team consists of team members with industry experience of more than 10 years. Also, in the last two years, we have managed to keep our attrition rate below 2 %, which is the coveted rate in the industry.
Kuldeep also officially announced ‘Gadfly, ‘our unstructured data analytics platform.
We acquired and executed some interesting projects in the last year. This open house gave everyone an opportunity to share their learning across teams. It was great to listen to unique experiences shared by team leads and team members alike.
The Future: Here Is to The Growth!
We had a pretty immersive discussion about what we wanted and how to achieve it. It infused everyone with energy and inspired the team. Our passion for Big Data, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence is unparalleled. You will see many contributions to these fields from Emergys with respect to taking businesses up to speed and empowering them.
Appreciation And Pat on The Back
Open houses at Ellicium Solutions are as much about appreciation as they are about interaction. Award ceremonies are an integral part of them. This time, we had two categories, ‘Star Performer’ and ‘Silent Killers.’ Star performers are those who have shown some heroic prowess and have triumphed. ‘Silent Killers’ are strong pillars who never fail to amaze us with their consistency and hard work.
The following were the winners:
Star Performers
Deokant Kumar
Saumitra Modak
Vinit Jadhav
Silent Killers
Chaitali Sonparote
Anup Pawale
The award ceremony was followed by scrumptious food and lots of laughter!